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Custom painting

Custom painting

Pictat in colaborare cu clientul respectiv

Custom painting

Custom painting

Pictat dupa un tablou original realizat de clientul respectiv

Custom painting

Custom painting

Ciresul Inflorit pe Cer Albastru

Custom work, impression of Franz Klein

Custom work, impression of Franz Klein

culori explosive pe o rama delicata

Custom work, impression of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

Custom work, impression of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

Stelele stralucesc pentru noi

Custom work, impression of Magnasco's "Christ at the Sea of Galilee”

Custom work, impression of Magnasco's "Christ at the Sea of Galilee”

Isus, mantuitorul lumii

Custom work, impression of Van Gogh's “The Large Plane Trees”

Custom work, impression of Van Gogh's “The Large Plane Trees”

Pe strada, la plimbare, o realizare

Custom painting

Custom painting

Ciresul Inflorit pe Lemn de Nuc

Custom work

Custom work

Macii, si flori de ne numerate, arata asa... bogate!

Custom work, impression of Monet's Lilies series

Custom work, impression of Monet's Lilies series

Nuferi pe lacul lui Monet, linistiti.

Custom work, impression of Camille Pissarro's “The Boulevard Montmartre at Night”

Custom work, impression of Camille Pissarro's “The Boulevard Montmartre at Night”

Noaptea dupa o ploaie, pe o strada din orasul Montmartre.

Custom work, impression of Claude Monet's "Geese on the water”

Custom work, impression of Claude Monet's "Geese on the water”

O mama asteapta pe copilul ei, si lebedele se plimba pe lac

Custom work, impression of Calude Monet's "Sunrise, Impression"

Custom work, impression of Calude Monet's "Sunrise, Impression"

Soarele vazut prin ceata de dimineata, la rasarit.

Custom work, impression of Pissarro's "The Boulevard Montmartre at Night"

Custom work, impression of Pissarro's "The Boulevard Montmartre at Night"

Noaptea in Orasul Montmartre, luminile stralucesc pe astfalt dupa o ploaie de vara

Custom work, impression of Gustav Klimt's The Virgin”

Custom work, impression of Gustav Klimt's The Virgin”

Femeile viseaza de primavara.

Custom Oil Painted Eyewear

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